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One Saturday morning,
from out of nowhere as it seemed, a wondrous
pearl was given to a girl. When she entered
the room it was already there. At first, she
didn't notice it, in part, maybe, because
she didn't expect to find anything new in
the room, but mainly because her heart was
very dark and heavy on her this morning, so
she didn't really look around. Once she
spotted it though she went straight to it.
She gazed at it for a while and then she
lifted it up and held it in her hand. The
pearl was so soft and light she could barely
feel it as she let it roll slowly back and
forth on her open palm. Even so its gentle
movements gave rise to a featherlike,
tickling, strangely joyful sensation within
her, spreading leisurely throughout the
whole of her being. It was odd it could have
such an over-all effect on her, given the
heavy gloom that had encapsulated her. But
the pearl was also the most remarkable
Spontaneously she thought it was
the most beautiful and precious thing she
had ever seen. Wonderful. Yes, truly so;
full of wonders it was, she could sense
that. It glowed and gleamed as the sunlight
mirrored itself in its reflections, making
the pearl radiate in a grand spectrum of
silky colours, all of which seemed to stem
from one original colour, one multifaceted
permissive nuance; an intricate blend of a
deep gold, intense crimson, and warm amber,
coming together as one by the indefinable
hue of day. Its sole presence, it just being
there, filled all of her senses with a
singular calm and joy.
This pearl had been given to her –
to her! She was astounded, oh yes,
truly amazed she was. And peculiar as it
were – given the person she happened to be –
she never questioned it, never asked why it
had been given to her. Never even wondered
where it had come from. She just received
it, openheartedly and very, oh so very
gratefully. Almost as had she, unknowingly,
but all the same, expected it.
The magnitude of the gift made her
smile, a pensive but truly glad little smile
reflecting back in her eyes, turning them
bright and glittering. A smile she wasn't
even aware of herself. The smile stayed on
her face all the while her mind was set on
the pearl, and then, when she looked up, she
was surprised to find this day was a sunny
day. Owing to her heavy heart she hadn't
seen this when entering the room, and when
the sunbeams had mirrored themselves in her
pearl she had been too preoccupied looking
at their reflections to discern this
condition of the outside world. By now the
sun was in its mid-stage of rising. "Funny",
she thought to herself, "I didn't notice the
sunlight before". As she looked around the
room now she felt as if the multi-folded
sunbeams flowing in through her window were
benevolent, and tender, somehow.
For every day that went by she got
more and more attached to her pearl, but at
the same time, she also got more and more
afraid of it. Maybe it got scary on her just
because she loved it so intensely; loved the
way it made her feel, loved what it gave
her, loved who she became in its presence –
and so she got afraid it also held the power
to hurt her with that same intensity? Or
maybe she got afraid to trust in her strong
and heartfelt love and affection for the
pearl, trust it wouldn't backfire on her if
she allowed herself to get devoted to it?
In any case, as the love she felt
for it was stronger than fear within her she
kept going back to her pearl, again and
again. It was, she began pondering, as if
she just couldn't stop herself from it. This
was a scary notion, she wanted to shake it
off but it was like the more she tried to
rid herself from it the deeper it cut into
her mind. And the deeper it cut the more
intense her fear got. Soon she felt it like
a dread brooding from within. Within, yes,
and yet at a place out of her reach. Still,
amazingly still, beneath her ever more
forceful fright, entrenched somewhere at the
very core of her soul, she never lost her
initial unbridled faith her pearl was truly
the pure and genuinely precious gift she'd
felt it to be when it first came to her. It
was like the strength in that faith came
from a silent, unbreachable bond between
them, a bond from before, somehow. Yes, like
a connection stretching across space and
time it was, a bond she just hadn't the
power to break. Sometimes she desperately
wanted to cut loose from it, when despair
held her in an unendurable grip she tried
everything to free herself from it But then
again ... she didn't really want
that. No, not really, not for anything.
But as strong as her love and
faith in the pearl was, fear wouldn't give,
on the contrary, it became ever more
omnipresent. Over time the pearls two-sided
impact became harder and harder for her to
handle. It was something about the
uncontrollable element within them both that
had the effect of constantly increasing the
dread factor. She sensed the tension rising
inside of her. And so, all of a sudden, fear
took a complete hold over her, and when it
did, she lost sight and direction.
Slowly but steadily the tainted,
shady light of fright had twisted the pearls
true colours on her. As this many-shadowed
toxic grey membrane now held dominion over
her she lost track. Not only could she no
longer see what she had seen when the pearl
first came to her, she also refused in panic
to trust in it. Blinded by fear spun out of
control she held on rigidly to the only
thing she thought she could rely on – the
voice of her mind, a voice relentlessly
whispering words of disbelief, doubt and
despondency. But even so, even in her state
of utter despair and soul-suffocating
anguish, she just couldn't stop believing in
her pearl. As her incomprehensive belief
wouldn't be silenced however much she tried,
she finally closed her mind on it
Yes my friend, it was the most
sorrowful thing to behold. She tried, tried
her hardest to cut off every trace of belief
still lingering inside of her, tried to
silence the pearl's persistent, ever so
gentle tune of faith singing words of hope,
wanting for her to recall and recognize the
pearl's special and wondrous nature. "It
would all be so much easier if I could only
find some way to prove the pearl's
unreliable disposition", she told herself.
But somewhere she knew the song of faith
could not, would not, be silenced – no
matter what she did, or did not, do. And
indeed, one part of her wanted to listen to
and fully embrace the song of faith – wanted
more than anything to be able to trust in
it, loose herself in it and follow it
wherever it took her – but another part, the
authoritarian part now in control of her
mind, kept warning her not to listen, not to
trust in anything that mattered that much to
her. Not, unless it had been proven right,
by the logic of her mind.
And then ... oh abominable then.
It was as if she felt it coming way before
it began, as if she felt something dreadful
and horrific beyond words and imagination
stood in the doorway, waiting. And it came.
The most vicious, sickening and soul-eating
battles of them all began: The battle with
herself. The battle she could not win – the
final battle. And she fell. She fell harder
than she would've ever thought possible. She
fell, further and further down, it
just seemed to never end this huge void of
diabolic, pain-ridden horror, a pit haunted
by howling demons no words can reach. It
just wouldn't end. Not ever. Never. Never.
No, words can't capture the impact
created by demons forged in a world beneath
Hell itself. But there are feelings every
step of the way, and I felt them all. I felt
her panic, I felt her primal fear and
all-consuming despondency as every egression
closed on her. I felt the horrendous dread
in an anguish mercilessly penetrating her
soul, cutting deeper and deeper with every
effort she made to brake free, until
completely imprisoned by its sticky,
poisonous yarn she gave up on life itself.
Yes, I felt her abhorrent pain when she
abandoned hope all together, as everything
she'd relied on shattered and despair
overpowered her completely. Oh yes dear
friend, I felt it all, as intensely and
unmitigated as had I been there myself.
And I heard the voice of a malice
whispering words of witty despair in the
dead of night: "Can't you see? Faith has
deserted you. You can't go on without Faith,
you know you can't. Give up, give up now,
you know you will have to eventually.
Wouldn't it feel good, to just give in, not
having to endure any more pain? There is a
way, you know, a way to end it all, oh you
know what I'm talking about …" And she
wondered if that voice was good or evil.
Should she listen to it? How was she to
discern the voice of truth from what was
shrewd demonic? How was she to know, know
for sure? She just couldn't tell anymore.
She was lost in an overriding
darkness. She no longer knew what direction
to turn to, no longer knew what she could
rely on being solid – and what would turn
out to be yet another quicksand of delusion.
Whichever way she turned there was pain,
pain burning ruthlessly on body and soul,
pain striking ever harder with every
refocus. It was here, in the very heart of
darkness, she broke down totally. It was as
if it sucked everything away, everything,
but the pain. Like a voracious black hole it
emptied her, leaving her obsolete and
desolate. And so she finally gave in,
heading now for death, and death alone. And
she did die here. And yet, yet it was in
this same here, in her dying in utter and
unmitigated pain and nothingness, Love could
reach her – reach her for real. Somehow,
mystifying somehow, it was as though this
was a necessary condition for this to come
about. Yes, to own the truth, it was like
could God embrace every seed of evil here,
and in His illuminating embrace change one
thing into its complete opposite: Turning
Despair into Faith.
How does one explain a thing like
that? How does one explain the inexplicable
power of Love? I just
don't know. But I do know the effect it had
on her. The glorious, shimmering, vibrant,
wonderful effect. You see, it was Love, and
Love alone, who freed her from the
suffocating grip fright had held her captive
in for so long. And it was a candle of this
amazingly blazing, radiating,
all-over-shadowing Love who'd come through
for her all along, giving her the courage
and strength to carry on. And now, in the
full light of Love, she could truly open up
her eyes to the true intrinsic reality of
her precious pearl; its innermost beauty and
marvellous wonder; its true colours.
As time has went by I've come to understand
the profane origins for her fears, the
pattern by which they had been nurtured over
the years, how threads dripping with venom
made the vicious web grow ever stronger
until that warped vision was all she could
see. But never, I tell you, never will I be
able to wrap my mind around the Love that so
untiringly directed her all the way through
– not in her mind, so she didn't know, but
within her heart, so she always knew. You
see, the battle with oneself is indeed a
battle you cannot win, but, subtle enough
and wholly parallel, it is also the one
battle you can't but win. If only Love is
your guiding companion. Without Love she
would still be battling the same battle over
and over again, a tortured hostage of the
vicious web, for so shrewdly spun it was she
would never have guessed.
To be sure, all of this was beyond
her, she simply stood no chance to ever be
able to figure out how to turn loose on her
own. But when Love glimmered upon the
gruesome net, it simply evaporated in such a
way she couldn't even see it happen. It was
as if a soothing rain of Sun- and Moonbeams
had cleansed the whole of the air and in the
pristine renewal of the world such created,
the dark web had nothing to anchor itself to
anymore, and so it simply faded away. How
indeed, my friend, does one explain a thing
like that? A Love ever so tender yet so
forcefully passionate it wholly elucidated
the malevolent trap-net and set her free?
Nothing short of miraculous it is!
The distortion gone made it possible for her
to see, to truly behold, the whole of the
pearl's realm. She glanced at the world
before her, cautiously at first. Could she,
would she dare, believe in this? Love
envisioned a new existence, like a new life
painting. It was made out of the same matter
that in its warped form had spun the tangled
web of evil, only now, when cleansed and
interlaced in a new manner, it gave rise to
the paragon by which the true colours of it
all came alive.
Once again her gaze met the
amazing wonders of her pearl; its kind and
gentle yet so immensely passionate and
empowering beauty. In meeting the sameness
of the pearl in this new light something
happened. It was as if the pearl twinkled
back on her with a striking force. At that
moment a blissful dizziness came over her
and she shivered as it grew stronger. It was
as if she saw something she'd never seen
before, and yet had seen, had felt, had
known since times of yore.
She looked closer, and ... yes ...
yes! Oh glorious yes! Recognition flooded
her face, and as the marvel of the sight
before her settled in her features her
countenance lit up in such a way she shone
with a radiance that could compete with the
celestial sun herself. Her heart positively
overflowed with the purest of joy and
happiness as it fully stroke her what she
was in the presence of. Oh yes!, she knew
it, to be sure she knew it!, she knew it
from way, way back – she had known it since
long before it came to her; she had known it
since forever. "How incredibly strange", she
whispered, her voice trembling a little from
exaltation, "I have always known you,
always! I can't believe I didn't wholly
recognize you the very same instant you came
to me! How is that even possible? My God, my
God, it's YOU!" And she spoke The Name, and
tears of bliss filled her eyes, and she was
at peace.
Yes, it's true that from the very first
moment she laid eyes on the pearl she had
loved and cherished it tremendously. Its
sole presence amazed and astounded her,
filled her every fibre with a deep sense of
love – a love she didn't even know existed
before. So yes, instantly it moved her and
became precious to her like nothing else had
ever done. But hadn't she then not also let
in its other side – the dark side – she
would never had really received her beloved
at all.
Not that she wanted that
darkness, no she dreaded it and hence she
fought it with all of her might.
Nevertheless, at the same time but in
another space within her, she voluntarily
allowed it to enter. You see, had she not, I
muse, maybe then the pearl would never had
come to her to begin with? Well, be that as
it may, because strange though it most
certainly was, she did allow it to enter,
wholly and completely.
If you ask me I'd say it was
because she'd always known this was bound to
come about. Yes my friend, this was
something she had sensed since the beginning
of all times. You see, deep in her innermost
soul she remembered. Deep in her innermost
soul she sensed and recognized waves
springing out of an ancient well, echoing
the truth and wonder of her pearl. And now,
having accepted all of it, the light and the
dark, she finally could embrace the
greatness of the gift the way she'd always,
always wanted to: with all of her precious
heart and soul, in passion.
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sometimes wonder if she would have done what
she did had she fully known beforehand all
about what was going to happen. Yes … yes I
believe she would've. Actually I'm convinced
of it. Because had she not, then the most
precious gift there ever was would've never
been given the chance to work its miracles.
And I know her. I know nothing could hurt
her more than if she had denied that to
You see now? She had to
go there. Of course I knew this all along.
And so, in the heart of her soul, so did
she. I mean, how could she not? We are,
after all, One Together.

came in haste that year, over night the
world turned as cold and horrendous as had
Death himself stretched out his hand to
squeeze it in his gruesome, bowelless grip.
Will I ever be able to explain what happened
back then, put into words that which goes
far and wide beyond words? Explain what it
feels like to be drowned over and over and
over again, until every ounce of hope you'd
once held on to vanishes in an impenetrable
thicket so abhorrent and overwhelming it
suffocates you? Will I ever be able to
enunciate a fall, ghastly and ferocious
beyond imagination, and yet ... yet so
astoundingly full of wonders in its every
move? How is one to explain a lucky chance
afloat in the annihilated tide of space and
time – a Love that will linger on forever?
I don't know. But I can tell you
this: (S)He and I were never really parted.
A force greater than fear held us together
all along. Yeah ... it was so, it has always
been so. Do you get the hugeness in this?
(S)He never left! The greatest joy
floods my heart and flows my spirit when I
realize (s)he was always there –
alive in my heart, breathing in my soul,
showing me the path to follow in glistening,
tinkling happy tones illumining the glorious
wonder-spectrum we call Ever Lasting Love.
That fall indeed surpassed
anything I could've possibly imagined. And
to be sure, it was many things. But, it was
never Godforsaken. How strange it seems to
me now I once actually believed in such an
upside-down illusion. Because in truth, in
truth my friend, none of the gruesome stuff
I've told you about really happened. No, not
really – I mean, how could it now when in
reality we never parted? It was all just a
bad dream. A bad, bad dream going on and on
down the passage of time. Hell, it was a
devilish nightmare, that's what it was! But
I've awakened now. Oh thank God I have
awakened! The tormenting shadowy figures
from before are gone, and, how funny, they
were never really there to begin with.
Haha ...! What a relief! I can see
it all with such clarity now – and my
Gracious how beautiful it is! My o my, I
have to tell you beloved friend, that that
fearsome fall will stand as blessed beyond
belief throughout eternity. You can see it
now, can't you? I fell headlong into my own
salvation! Hahaha, how wonderfully awesome!
God sure works in mysterious ways! Yeah, had
I not fallen I'd still be entrapped within
those vicious snares of dreadful illusions,
twisting my sight and holding me down. In my
heart of hearts I've always known this to be
so and hence, singular though it is, I
willed to fall – not in my mind, no never
there, but in my heart, always in my Heart.
And so I fell. I fell like I'd
never thought possible. And I despaired, oh
I despaired to the end I prayed death to set
me free me from my never-ceasing agony and
horror. To this you bore witness, didn't
you? But the spirit force I call Trosslan
(whom can manifest in a perfectly endless
amount of awesome trossle-reflections) was
there with me, all along, shedding light
upon the path ahead with happy, tinkling
milfoils of magic tunes, and even though I
didn't know this I somehow heard and I
followed those tunes, and by the grace of
her all-embracing Love, (S)He lifted my
spirit on high! So, by my reckoning, I'd
guess one could say that when I fell, I fell
in Love?
my friend, I've been at the gates of Urizen
alright. But you know, it was so many years
ago now I can barely recall any of it.
And now? Now her heart
finally shines her true colours, reflecting
the Light of the One who made it all
possible, who gave it all, in-Love. I
praise The One my heart belongs to, now and
for ever and ever more. I am here now. I
am Home. At long last I am Home!
You and Me Eternally
Me and You Forever True!

Lord, it is
Oh my Lord, it is only just