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In the Valley of the Shadow of
L  O  V  E

"The harmony of silence,
the mystery of waiting for that something
that all await―what is it?
love? death?
or only the miracle of another tomorrow?"

R.W. Chambers


Come to Me


HIS shadow:
Shelter from fiery rays aflame;

soothes the ire of a sun in death
blasting its burning blazes enraged


Shield of Love
in the heat of unbearable midday


warped mind gaping,
staring back at me
the Evil face that brings me to despair
Inspiration: Iron Maiden





showered in your pain, my unveiling rain 

"Left behind
silver shadows once cast.
... celestial reminiscenses lingers in discern
as light overshadows darkness ...
... traces,
aglow and echoing ...
forever afloat
in the annihilated tide of space and time"
                                                                      E. Lindberg


"F l o a t i n g   i n   t h e   e n d l e s s   b l u e

m y  s e e d  o f  d o u b t  I  l e a v e  t o  Y o u" B. Dickinson


I was lost, and You found me
acknowledged in Your

the Light of You



pounding blood of purification


in the Valley



of the shielding Shadow

of Your undying Love for me
of my eternal Love for You


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"I've travelled through the door ....                     

         ... of Evermore ..."

This is Your Song             
through fire, through water                

      "through the oily serpent's kiss
This is Your Song
This is Your Song This is Your Song
cause I've been around you...

cover your eyes with the velvet hand of darkness
cover your lips with the wicked tounge of silence

Kick the sand in Satan's face I'll put Jesus in his place

Are you surprised that you like it,
are you surprised that you want it?

Do I make myself familiar to you now?"




let's move on!  


           Take me always back to you!



Innominate Quotes above from B. Dickinson song lyrics.